Filtering snapshots

rustic allows to filter snapshots by certain criteria. This can be useful when listing snapshots, copying snapshots between repositories.

Filters can by given in the config profile

filter-host = ["host2"] # Default: []
filter-label = ["label1"] # Default: []
filter-tags = ["tag1,tag2"] # Default: []
filter-paths = ["path1"] # Default: no paths filter
filter-fn = '|sn| { == "host1" || sn.description.contains("test")}' # Default: no filter function

or alternatively as CLI options --filter-host, --filter-label, --filter-tags, --filter-paths and --filter-fn.

The filter-host option allows to filter snapshots by the host name. The filter-label option allows to filter snapshots by the label. The filter-tags option allows to filter snapshots by tags. The filter-paths option allows to filter snapshots by the paths in the backup. The filter-fn option allows to filter snapshots by a custom filter function. The filter function is a string that is parsed as a Rust closure. The closure takes a Snapshot struct as argument and returns a boolean value.

Multiple filter arguments are connected with an or condition, i.e. snapshots are not filtered out if they match anything of what is the given in the array. For instance, this shows snapshots having either a tag tag1 or a tag tag2:

filter-tags = ["tag1", "tag2"]

Moreover the different filter-* options are combined using an and condition - if a snapshot does not satisfy any of the filters, they are sorted out. For example, to list snapshots that are tagged with tag1 and tag2 and are located in the path /srv, use the following configuration:

filter-tags = ["tag1,tag2"]
filter-paths = ["/srv"]

Note: For paths and tags it is already possible to give multiple values - and then they are anded: filter-tags=["a,b"] matches snapshots which have both “a” and “b” as tags, whereas filter-tags=["a","b"] matches snapshots which have either “a” or “b” as tag.

What is (currently) not possible is to filter exactly for a tag list or path list: A snapshot with tags “a,b,c” is currently shown when you specify filter-tags=["a,b"].

Filtering snapshots to copy

The list of snapshots to copy can be filtered by using the above described filter-* options:

rustic copy --filter-host luigi --filter-tags foo,bar

It is also possible to explicitly specify the list of snapshots to copy, in which case only these instead of all snapshots will be copied:

rustic copy 410b18a2 4e5d5487 latest
Last change: 2024-10-14, commit: 231e5b0