Configuration file

Important: For always up-to-date information, please make sure to check the in-repository documentation for the config files available here.

Rustic supports configuration files in the TOML format. The files are searched in the following locations:

By default, rustic uses the file rustic.toml. This can be overwritten by the -P <PROFILE> option which tells rustic to search for a <PROFILE>.toml configuration file. For example, if you have a local.toml configuration for backing up to a local dir and a remote.toml configuration for a remote storage, you can use rustic -P local <COMMAND> and rustic -P remote <COMMAND>, respectively to switch between you two backup configurations.

Note that options in the config file can always be overwritten by ENV

In the configuration file, you can specify all global and repository-specific options as well as options/sources for the backup command and forget options. Using a config file like

# rustic config file to backup /home and /etc to a local repository

repository = "/backup/rustic"
password-file = "/root/key-rustic"
no-cache = true # no cache needed for local repository

keep-daily = 14
keep-weekly = 5

exclude-if-present = [".nobackup", "CACHEDIR.TAG"]
glob-file = ["/root/rustic-local.glob"]

source = "/home"
git-ignore = true

source = "/etc"

allows you to use rustic backup and rustic forget --prune in your regularly backup/cleanup scripts.

For more config file examples check the config here

Last change: 2024-06-19, commit: 979fc43